I’m Making a New Year’s Evolution, Not a Resolution. And here’s why...


It has been the year of unimagined happenings. It has been the year of the pivot and a time of flux. So, flux it! Time to approach this differently.

Resolution is a firm decision to do or not do something.

Evolution is a gradual development of something from a simpler to a more complex form.

2020 was a bitch. Nailbiter elections, a predatory disease that has destroyed lives, homes, and for some, faith. To put it bluntly, this shit will linger. 2020 will be the year to mile mark and to benchmark badness. I believe the last thing I need is a stiff serving of unbending, firm decisions. I don't give a flux about stakes in grounds right now, I just want to feel good.

If you take a trip to the place where old resolutions go to die you will find half-eaten cakes, exercise bikes now serving as thousand-dollar clothes hangers, and unused gym memberships. Some additional clutter is also there; like unfinished letters of apology, and budget spreadsheets without numbers.

Something about extreme measures

I'm all about the affirmation. I'm the metaphysical maven whose purse is weighted with lavender, rose quartz, and crystals for healing and protection. I also consider instinct data. But the moment I leave my soft practices and place an extreme firm stake in the ground, my energy changes. I move from positive peace to stress, guilt, and eventual anger.

Going deep

Maybe it's like the famous koan or riddle used in Zen Buddhism; "What is the sound of one hand clapping?" Our resolutions automatically create opposing forces that lead to a conflict of pain vs pleasure or two hands clapping.

For example, I like X. X makes me feel good and smile.

Enter Resolution: "Myra, X is no longer in our plan and you must halt. Stop immediately. Back away from X."

F—-k that! 

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